FollowActi promotes tracking through na user friendly app, which will always be at your fingertips.
New Delivery
1. User inform the tracking and destiny codes
2. System generates a bar code with the send number
3. User adds material list to send
New Delivery with Receipt (NF-e)
1. User inform tracking, destiny and receipt codes
2. System generates a bar code with shipping number
3. Shipping materials are added through database query (RSA)
Verify Delivery
During all path, it is possible to know the package location and list of materials with the following information:
Receipt – Delivery with Receipt (NF-e)
Download Materials
As soon as the client inform materials and quantities, the user shall download these materials. Which can be done as follows:
All materials at once
Product to Product through voice / bar code / keyboard
New Route
In cases when there are remaining materials of a shipping, the user can easily create a new one through the option “New Route”.
Observ.: The new shipping will inherit the residual material list of the original.